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How to be Resilient in a Pandemic and Beyond

Thursday, April 16, 2020
10:30 am11:30 am
Zoom Webinar

This webinar is focused on helping people from any background and any community manage the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the health and mental health impacts of social distancing.

The training will change the way participants understand resilience, from the old definition of surviving or “bouncing back” from challenges to a more modern focus on growing through challenges and thriving in the future. Participants will learn proven, practical strategies that they can start using immediately to increase their resiliency during the pandemic, providing them with both personal and community strengths that will continue to benefit them after the pandemic recedes.

We will examine each of the key scientifically determined domains of resilience: vision, composure, reasoning, health, tenacity and connection. Within each domain, participants will explore both the impacts of the pandemic and key strategies to overcome those impacts. They will experience many of the microtasks that will help increase their strength in each domain.

Microtasks are the best way to train our brains to respond in healthy ways to life’s challenges. The training is grounded in solid emerging science on human development. Modern neuroscience points the way to easy to use strategies that develop and enhance neural pathways to greater well-being.

We will use a variety of activities to help participants understand their current resiliency status and begin the process of enhancing their resiliency. In addition to a selection of specific tools, we will alert them to dozens of additional tools they can explore either in future webinars or on their own.

Attendees will come away with tools to help them:
1. Adopt a growth mindset that helps them commit to building their resilience
2. Apply their understanding of the six key domains of resilience in their work and home life
3. Begin practicing proven strategies to increase resiliency
4. Know how to measure their resiliency and identify strengths and weaknesses in each of the domains of resiliency

Presenter’s bio:
Michael Piraino, B.A., J.D. and M.Lit., Certified Resilience Coach and Mindfulness Trainer
Michael Piraino is an inspirational speaker, nationally recognized nonprofit leader, and a long-time advocate for children. He holds a law degree from Cornell University and a master’s degree from Oxford University, and was the national CEO of the National CASA Association for 21 years. After retiring from that position, he pursued new approaches to using contemporary science to help individuals and organizations better manage change, reduce stress, and achieve their goals. After three years of research and development, he founded Resilience for Success to make these new techniques easily available.

Piraino is a Certified Resilience Coach and Mindfulness Trainer, with additional training from the International Institute for Restorative Practices. He has provided resiliency trainings ranging from one hour to several days to a variety of groups, including at the Rocky Mountain Restorative Practices conference, the Community Wellbeing and Resiliency Conference in Belgium, and multiple venues in the United States.

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