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Event Calendar

Continuing Education: Drug Education & Awareness

Tuesday, February 22, 2022
6:00 pm9:00 pm

Join CASA in our NEW office and help us kick off Continuing Education in 2022!

In February are focus is Drug Education and Awareness. Continuing Ed will begin at 6 pm with the UMC’s Nurses Educating on Illegal Drugs & Synthetics (NEIDS) followed by Dr. George Comiskey at 7:30 pm.

University Medical Center’s Nurses Educating on Illegal Drugs & Synthetics (NEIDS) is an outreach group of registered nurses that believe synthetic marijuana and other illegal drugs kill and harm too many of our fellow human beings. They are emergency nurses and nurse educators from Lubbock, Texas, whose mission is to provide education to the public on the health risks and hazards of the use of synthetic marijuana and other harmful drugs through public service announcements, focused educational offerings to school age children, point of care education, local collations against synthetic marijuana, and support new or revised legislation of local and state laws to halt the sale, distribution, and the manufacturing of these synthetic compounds and illegal drugs.

At 7:30 pm we’ll learn more about the effects of drugs on children from Dr. George Comiskey, Ph.D., LCDC, ICPS and members of the Helping Every Adolescent Reach their Dreams (HEARD) coalition. Dr. Comiskey works in the Community, Family & Addition Sciences Department at Texas Tech University. He teaches prevention and substance use disorder prevention and he’s passionate about relationships and addiction and the effects on family members such as children of alcoholics and adult children of alcoholics. His research at Texas Tech centers around working with the City of Lubbock, the Health Department and local school districts focusing on prevention.

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